Here to Guide You
About Therapy
Core Therapy Values:
Compassion, Empathy, Unconditional Positive Regard, Non-judgemental, Confidential & Safe.
Sometimes we just need to be heard and feel understood – that's OK.
You, as the client, are the center of every session being the expert working alongside the therapist to get the best outcome. It is your world and I endevour to see it your way and value what is important to you exploring without judgement so that healthy strategies can be formulated to empower you to work towards the life you wish to lead. At the heart of Person-Centered Therapy is compassion, care, empathy and unconditional positive regard for you, as the client.
Integrative Therapy Style
Sometimes things are more complex – that's OK.
I am an Integrative Therapist meaning I have extensive knowledge, training and qualifications in a wide range of therapeutic styles so I can adapt to meet your needs and I am not limited to one approach. With Integrative Therapy you can have the best of all worlds using various psychotherapeutic methods and collaborative treatment measures including a wide range of dynamic approaches with core Humanist Person-Centered principals of value, integrity, empathy and unconditional positive regard.
Through an adaptive and flexible approach, my clients develop life-changing habits to help them cope with life’s various obstacles. My therapy sessions are designed to explore personal issues and provide clients with effective tools to help them on their journey to being more fulfilled human beings.
Your World – Your Way – You Are Important.